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Student 40+ years old male is looking for a room / a shared apartment for one person
- Art der Anzeige: Such-Annonce (Suche)
- Objekt: Studentenheim
- Größe [m²]: <40 sqm
- Zimmeranzahl: one
- Details: Möbliert, Keller, Balkon, Parkplatz, Garten, Zwischenmiete
- Stadtteil: Keine Angabe
- Straße: .
- Stadt: Salzburg
- Postleitzahl: 5020
- Bundesland: Salzburg
- Land: Österreich
- Aufgegeben: 27. Oktober 2024 14:25
- Läuft ab in: 3 tage, 22 Stunden
Hello there!
I’m a 40+ years old male from Bangladesh. I am going to start my MA in European Union Studies at the University of Salzburg from Summer Semester, March 2025. I studied in the United Kingdom for five years. Hence I have had the opportunity to live with people from different backgrounds and cultures. I am a peaceful, calm and open-minded person. I am expecting to arrive in Salzburg on February 1st. I am looking for a single room / a shared apartment from January/February 2025 for one /two semester/ prolonged period. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me on:+8801308782641 (WhatsApp) or at Email: rahamanjahedfr@gmail.com. Many thanks for your time and consideration.